Council warns dockless bikes are too easy to hack

May 10, 2023

"Westminster City Council is calling for dockless bike companies to crack down on hackers.Videos circulating across social media demonstrate how to bypass the dockless bike software and use bikes for free.Concerns have been raised that riders using hacked bikes are untraceable, meaning the users can potentially dump bikes on the pavement without facing punishment and could even be involved in antisocial behaviour. Westminster Council receives daily complaints about dockless bikes being abandoned on the pavement across the city. The council has called for apps to be improved so residents and businesses can report badly-parked bikes more easily. Discussions between the council and dockless bike companies about creating designated parking bays are ongoing. The council recently welcome the announcement that Lime bikes will increase their fines on customers who dump bikes to a minimum of £10. And following discussions with the council, no-parking zones have recently been introduced in a number of key West End locations."

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