Luxury properties forfeited after six year NCA investigation

August 10, 2024

"The wife of jailed banker...has agreed to forfeit a house in Knightsbridge worth approximately £14 million and a golf club in Ascot, following a National Crime Agency (NCA) civil recovery investigation into the acquisition of the properties. In 2018, the NCA applied for unexplained wealth orders (UWOs) in relation to the two UK properties, as well as interim freezing orders to ensure that they could not be sold, transferred or dissipated. The UWOs were the first ever granted in the UK....NCA investigators subsequently identified numerous examples of funds derived from the [Bank] being transferred through multiple accounts in ways consistent with common money laundering practices. This was done by a close associate..., acting on his behalf."

"The NCA’s investigation was followed by complex and lengthy litigation, which saw NCA lawyers address numerous challenges and use a range of legal powers introduced by the Criminal Finances Act 2017 to successfully recover assets worth millions of pounds."

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