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Alexander Christian
Alexander Christian
Anti-Money Laundering Audit | Family Law | Co-Parent Mediation | Mediation
About Us

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them."  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote emphasises the fundamental human need for connection and understanding, which is fostered through communication and staying in touch. It highlights that listening, a core component of communication, is the key to building and maintaining these connections.

About Us


Alexander Christian is a niche boutique law firm. It was established in 2006, initially offering personalised Family Law services (child contact and residence, separation, divorce, financial matters, and domestic abuse). 

While Family Law remains central to our practice, Alexander Christian has also cultivated expertise in Mediation. The firm's principal is trained in Family, Civil and Commercial, Workplace, and Interpersonal Mediation. We support individuals and businesses with low-conflict solutions. This aligns with the growing emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and Non Court Solutions, as advocated by legislators and the judiciary. 

Complementing our existing services, Alexander Christian provides Anti-Money Laundering (AML) services. Our comprehensive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) solutions are designed to assist firms that operate under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017, including independent internal audits and other specialised services.

Current Services

  • Anti-Money Laundering Services: including
    • Mock Audits
    • AML Internal Audit
    • AML File Reviews
    • AML Staff Interviews etc
  • Family Disputes: Family Disputes through the Family Courts:
    • Child Arrangements orders (Contact and Residence, Prohibited Steps Orders and Specific Issue Orders)
    • Domestic Abuse
  • Interpersonal Mediation: including 
    • Co-Parenting (helping separated and divorce parents resolve differences through collaboration and communication)
    • Workplace Mediation (helping co-workers resolve their difference to foster greater collaboration and staff retention, resulting in greater business productivity)
  • Civil and Business Mediation: including
    • Workplace
    • Business
    • Civil 
  • Learning Hub: Soon to launch

We also produce Newsletters and Video Clips related to industry changes.

Qualifications & Experience

The Principal possesses extensive academic and practical legal training, including a Law Degree, Masters in Law, and Postgraduate Legal Practice Course. 

They completed two years of training in central London and at the largest UK Public Transportation organisation. This provided a rich foundation in all areas of civil litigation, contract (including national contractual advertising with major newspaper outlets,) and property. 

Post-qualification, the Principal initially gained experience in a broad range of General Litigation (Personal Injury, Housing, Debt etc and Family Law before initially specialising solely in Family Law (Divorce, Financial, Private Law Children and Cohabitee issues and property claims).

Our firm's natural evolution led us to mediation, grounded in the Civil and Interpersonal Model. 

We've further broadened our capabilities by incorporating specialised Anti-Money Laundering (AML) services.

The firm thus provides services to individuals and businesses. 

Our services now include:
  • Anti-Money Laundering Services to firms
  • Family Law
  • Mediation

The Principal has consistently pursued continuous professional development, encompassing areas such as will writing, family law, litigation, cohabitee litigation,  mediation, general practice, compliance, and risk. 

Their Anti-Money Laundering credentials include Internal Audit, AML Audit, Risk, and Compliance with such bodies as the ACAMs, ICA, other specialist providers. 

Mediation credentials with multiple bodies such as: Resolution (First for Families),  Phoenix Dispute Solutions, EM Solutions and UK Mediation. 

Legal CPD with the Law Society Learning LMS.

Their commitment to staying current is demonstrated by their consistent engagement with webinars, comprehensive industry literature, and key professional events.
Anti-Money Laundering Internal Audit
Anti-Money Laundering Internal Audit
AML Services

Anti-Money Laundering Services

We are keen to support firms that operate within the Money Laundering Regulations 2017. We have a comprehensive suite of services to assist your needs. 

AML Services - A comprehensive suite of services

Child Contact and Residence
Child Contact And Residence
Family Court

Child Contact & Residence 

The firm assists parents who are unable to find an amicable resolution. Helping them navigate the family court system and informing them of low conflict strategies.  

Low Conflict, Child Focused - Child Arrangement orders

Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Providing support and assistance to separated couples through challenging circumstances. Considering your options. Assisting with court proceedings whether application or responses to allegations. 

Considering options - Discreet service

Co-Parenting Mediation
Co-Parent Mediation
Interpersonal Mediation

Co-Parenting Mediation

Facilitating forward focused support to separated or divorced parents seeking to resolve their difference outside the court system. Where the separated parents adopt a child centred and collaborative approach to resolve their differences. 

For separated parents - who are keen on fostering a more collaborative child focused future

As we use the Civil and Interpersonal Mediation Model we do not offer MIAMS.

Mediation:Workplace Business Civil
Workplace, Business and Civil Mediation


De-escalating conflict in the workplace, business relationships and civil disputes. Forward focusing on collaborative resolutions and the preservation of important relationships.

Many litigation cases are settled - Mediation may assist you. 

Newsletter: AML Insights, Co-Parenting and Mediation
Newsletter: AML Insights, Co-Parenting and Mediation


We produce newsletters, with the latest news and insights in the world of Anti-Money Laundering, Co-Parenting and Mediation.

Subscribe today - AML Insights, Co-Parenting and Mediation

Learning Hub
Learning Hub: Courses
Forthcoming services

Learning Hub

We are in the process of designing courses in the areas of Risk and Compliance and Co-parent mediation. Coming soon!

Coming soon - Please check back for further details

Book your appointment today!

Contact Us

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  • We only work with UK based clients.
  • We only work with UK based clients.
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Get in Touch at Any Time

Do not hesitate to contact us with any queries.

Alexander Christian 

Harrow Business Centre

429-433 Pinner Road

North Harrow


Greater London


Phone : 020 8515 2778

Book your appointment today!