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Alexander Christian
Alexander Christian
Anti-Money Laundering Audit | Family Law | Co-Parent Mediation | Mediation
  • Fees: Legal 

    Alexander Christian

    Fees: Legal
Fees /
Fees : Legal

'...bends towards justice.'

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Legal Charges: 

Legal Services only

(For AML Fees please see the AML Audit Page Fees.)

(For Mediation Fees please see the Mediation Fees Page.)

Fixed Fee Initial Consultation

Initial Fixed Fee Consultation - £100 (inc. vat**) for 60 mins, payable in advance.

Charge FeePlus Vat
Fixed fee initial consultation  £100 (inclusive of vat)Inclusive of Vat - Vat is currently 20%

Hourly rate

We charge £300 per (plus VAT**) 

 Charge Fee Plus Vat
 Hourly rate £300 per hour Vat is currently 20%

Administrative Charges

We charge for pre-onboarding client due diligence inquiries and as their is an ongoing requirement for undertaking such inquiries we will make periodic charges during the life cycle of your matter. 

Charge Fee Plus Vat
 Each Individual
(e.g. each individual person, each counter party, third party, shareholder, director, person with voting rights, partner, trustee, beneficial owner, person who has control or person who exerts control, referrer, and other person)
£50 per person Vat is currently 20% 
 Each Entity
(e.g. each sole trading business, partnership, company, trust, charity etc). Where the structure is more complex we may charge additional charges. In some cases we may not be able to continue with the pre-onboarding process where the structure is complex)
£50 per entity Vat is currently 20% 

Disbursement Charges: 

Disbursements charges are charges incurred on your behalf to third parties. These can include: Barristers fees, court fees, experts reports, etc.

You are required to pay these costs in advance of them being incurred. Disbursement charges may be only an indication or an anticipated fee, and the charge may increase. 

Disbursements are subject to Vat**

 DisbursementFeePlus Vat**
 DisbursementVariousPlus vat - vat is charged at 20%


These are expenses incurred as a result of representing you. These may include: postage costs, packing costs, travel costs, photocopying and printing charges, hearing bundle costs etc. These charges are subject to Vat**

 ExpensesFeePlus Vat**
 ExpenseVariousPlus vat - vat is charged at 20%

Additional Fees

There may be additional fees, additional fees are subject to Vat**

 Additional FeesPlus Vat**
 Additional FeePlus vat - vat is charged at 20%


VAT is currently charged at 20%. 

The above are typical charges, typical charges are for illustration only. 

Book your appointment today!

Contact Us

  • Please state your title e.g. Mr, Mrs, etc
  • Please insert your date of birth
  • Please insert your UK mobile number.
  • Please insert your UK landline number
  • We only work with UK based clients.
  • We only work with UK based clients.
  • Please insert your email address.
  • Please leave a short massage
  • Privacy Policy *
    Please read the Privacy Policy before you submit the form
  • Client Due Diligence *
    Please read the Client Due Diligence Policy

Get in Touch at Any Time

Do not hesitate to contact us with any queries.

Alexander Christian

Harrow Business Centre

429-433 Pinner Road

North Harrow


Greater London


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