The face of the moon was in shadow
Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground. All their equipment and instruments are alive.Mist enveloped the ship three hours out from port. The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.A red flair silhouetted the jagged edge of a wing.
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Law Care
"LawCare is the mental wellbeing charity for the legal profession. We offer free, confidential, emotional support, peer support, and resources to those working in the law in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. We promote mental health and wellbeing best practice in legal workplaces and drive culture change in education, training and practice.
Our support service offers a safe place to talk without judgement to trained staff and volunteers who have first-hand experience of working in the law.
If you need support contact us on 0800 279 6888, or go to access online chat and other resources. We understand life in the law."

FA Lee & Co Criminal Defence Solicitors
"If you’ve been charged with a criminal or traffic offence, you don’t have to face it alone. The outcome of your court case might be life changing, so give yourself the best possible chance with one of our traffic solicitors or criminal solicitors in Wembley."

MBL Seminars
MBL (Management, Business, Law) has, for over 14 years, been delivering the latest updates and practical know-how training in compliance, law and tax and are firmly established as a leading learning & development provider for professional services firms.

"Cafcass represents children in family court cases in England. [Cafcass] independently advise the family courts about what is safe for children and in their best interests. [Cafcass] put their needs, wishes and feelings first, making sure that children’s voices are heard at the heart of the family court setting. Operating within the law set by Parliament (Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000) and under the rules and directions of the family courts, [Cafcass] are independent of the courts, social services, education and health authorities and all similar agencies."

Phoenix Dispute Solutions
"At Phoenix Dispute Solutions, the philosophy of our mediation training programme is that parties should achieve a resolution of their dispute that they deem satisfactory. Therefore, we aim to promote and normalise the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution around the globe, replacing the current costly and time-consuming means of dispute resolution currently practiced. We believe that to achieve this, it is essential that ADR’s benefits are showcased through an organised platform such as our mediation training programme which is dedicated to ADR rather than the current fragmented approach adopted by practitioners."

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Alexander Christian
Harrow Business Centre
429-433 Pinner Road
North Harrow
Phone : 020 8515 2778